Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of September 23, 2019

We met Mattie, Maisy and Cheddar this week. They are the CES reading dogs. The children will have a chance to read to them on Thursdays this year.

**** Please be sure to check the other pages in this blog for updates!****
 Fundations = new letters introduced
Writers Workshop = new muscle/sight words introduced
Important Dates = schedule changes for each month

Reader’s Workshop
We started our rhyming work this week with a great
start incorporating nursery rhymes into Readers Workshop. Your child is bringing home a packet of nursery rhymes that we practiced this week. The nursery rhymes may be kept at home for your child to practice over the next few weeks. I am asking the children to use their pointer finger to point to each word as he/she reads in order to keep track of where they are and to focus more closely on the words. Please have your child point to the words as they practice at home.

Writer’s Workshop
     This week the children continued working on writing  stories. The children are working on the illustrations and then coming to me to help with some of the writing. Many of the children are using their letter sounds to try to write words on their own. Fantastic!!! It was great to see the children so excited about writing.

We have introduced the letters c, a, o, d, g and q in the past few weeks. Please make sure you check the Fundations page of this blog every week to see which letters we reviewed and which new letters were introduced. Here is a video of the children using their letter and sign language knowledge.

Morning Meeting
Greeting: Name Cards
Activity: The Please and Thank You Song

Theme Time
        We have continued our work on creating a community of learners this week. The children are learning to be good listeners, how to take turns and how to be patient even when it is difficult. Although we will be moving onto a new focus soon, our overall focus all year with be social skills and how to interact appropriately with others.

 Skill Review
     It is great to review skills at home. Teaching children is a group effort and it will take all of us. At home, your child could be working on letter names and sounds, writing letters and words, writing numbers, counting and writing muscle words. You will always find the skills we are  working on in this class blog. The review will help those skills stick so that further learning is not made more difficult.

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Color Week
Next week is color week in kindergarten. We are asking the children to wear a specific color on each day of the week. If your child does not have anything to wear of a certain color, please do not worry about it. Please note we have added yellow to Tuesday...Wednesday is school picture day.
Monday – red
Tuesday – orange and/or yellow
Wednesday – School Picture Day
Thursday – green
Friday – blue/purple

Math Lessons
   We continued our work on numeracy this week. We are starting with the basic skills for numbers 0 to 10. We have learned how to form the numbers when writing, counting forward and backward, number combinations, finger patterns as well as number quantity.