All ready for our concert!
Reader’s Workshop
This week we continued to talk about what good readers do. We talked about matching our voices to the words that we are pointing to and looking for words we already know so that we aren’t trying to sound out every word. The children are moving right along with their reading and I can’t wait to start on our formal reading assessments next month to see how the children have improved.
Writer’s Workshop
This week we have really focused on remembering to put spaces in between our words. This is a really tough concept for kindergartners and it is a great skill to practice at home.
We used this time of our day for more Winter Concert preparation. The children worked very hard on learning all of the words to their songs and were so excited to share the songs with all of you on Thursday evening.
Many children and families enjoy giving their teacher a gift. As much as we love “teacher gifts” we are asking families who would like to give a gift to consider getting something for the classroom that all of us can enjoy instead of getting a “teacher gift”. In the past, families have sent in a new or gently used book for the class, a puzzle, game, craft supply…. Please do not feel that you have to send in anything. Homemade cards are great and I love to decorate the room with the beautiful cards that the children bring in during this Season of Giving.
Morning Meeting
GREETING: I Have, Who Has Letter sounds
ACTIVITY: Sparkle and Four Corners
Traditions & Celebrations Bells
Next week, you will find a paper bell in your child's folder. We will be talking about special family traditions next week. Please take a moment to write about a special family tradition you have and return the bell to school. Please write in black ink or black marker. The children will be decorating the bell at school. Thank you for your help with this project.
The children have worked really hard on the teen family for the past few weeks. They have written the numbers, talked about place value, made equations both addition and subtraction as well as worked on counting forward and backward.
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