Friday, January 24, 2020

Week of January 20, 2020

***Art Class Clothing***
  Our next unit in Writer's Workshop with be an Author Study of Eric Carle and Ms. Danielle has offered to help with this project by having the children paint large papers for out books just like Eric Carle. Please have your child wear old play clothes to school on Wednesday, January 29th. The children will be painting “special” papers for our Eric Carle inspired books during art class that day. The paint they are using is washable but it is not always the easiest to wash out. An old t-shirt is the best thing to wear when painting as long sleeves tend to get dragged through the paint.  

Reader’s Workshop
      The children are working on applying the strategies they have learned over the past few months more and more independently. Please continue to have your child read to you every day at home. As we always say in kindergarten….”the more you read, the better you get!”

Writer’s Workshop
       Our opinion writing is coming along nicely. The children are getting more and more comfortable with verbally giving two reasons for their opinion. The writing is where it gets a little tricky.

The kindergartners are focusing on three rules for their sentences.

  1. All sentences must start with a capital letter.
  2. There should be a space between every word.
  3. All sentences end with an ending mark. ( .    ? ! )

Special Visitor
       Today the children attended the Vermont Symphony Orchestra Petting Zoo in the CES gym! They had an opportunity to actually hold instruments such as a violins, a harp, tuba, trumpet and trombone. 

Math Lessons
   This week we focused on subtraction and addition. The children are working more independently with figuring out and writing equations. They are also making connections between known and unknown equations.  

Theme Time
  We have continued our weather unit this week with a focus on “Where do puddles go?” The children are very interested in the water experiments we have in the classroom and why/how the water is getting lower and lower. We will continue this unit for a few more weeks.

Book Orders
    In your child's home/school folder you will find the January book orders. If you would like to place an order, fill out the back of the booklet (with your child’s name) and send your order and payment back to school by January 30th. You may pay with cash or a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs. You may order online if you would like at with our class code which is DVTHH. When ordering online you will pay with a credit card. Thank you!

Morning Meeting

ACTIVITY: Sparkle (a spelling game)

  We are working on completing the formation of all of the capital letters. Please have your child practice letter formation at home.

02fa874.jpg     02fa874.jpg  Valentine’s Day
    Valentine’s Day is coming up. We will be having a small celebration on the afternoon of February 14th. If you would like to send in a special treat for your child to share with the class, please let me know prior to the 14th. The children will be exchanging Valentine Cards with each other that afternoon. If you are going to have your child write out Valentines, please be sure that they make a Valentine for each of their classmates. There is a class list in your child's home/school folder to help them write out their Valentines. I have included the names of adults that work in our classroom just in case your child would like to give them a Valentine.

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