Reader’s Workshop
Writer’s Workshop
Theme Time
We started our unit on healthy nutrition this week. The children have been discussing different ways that people keep their bodies healthy. Such as; eating healthy food, getting plenty of rest, drinking water and exercising. Nurse Reed came into our class this week to talk about "My Plate" and foods that you should eat anytime and the foods you should eat only sometimes.
Report cards come home yesterday. If you have not returned your child’s report card envelope, please do so as soon as possible. Parent/teacher conferences are optional at this point of the year. I am happy to meet with you if you would like to discuss your child’s report card. Please let me know by Tuesday, March 17th if you would like to schedule a conference.
Morning Meeting
GREETING: Coin names
ACTIVITY: Buzz counting by 10's
Math Lessons
Our measurement unit is coming along nicely. The children have become quite skilled at lining up their measurement tool with the edge of the item they are measuring instead of just placing it wherever they want on the item.
The children have learned about 3 digraphs (th, sh and ch). The children are working on being persistent when trying to write words that include these digraphs. They are also working on making the correct sound when they see them in books instead of separating the two sounds. .
March Book Orders
In your child's home/school folder you will find the March book orders. If you would like to place an order, fill out the back of the booklet (with your child’s name) and send your order and payment back to school by March 19th. You may pay with cash or a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs. You may order online if you would like at with our class code which is DVTHH. When ordering online you pay with a credit card. Thank you!
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