Click the link below to see my Thursday Morning Video
Thursday Morning Greeting from Mrs. E
Morning Meeting
Parents: Please have your child read the above Morning Message to you.
Nurse Reed was thinking about all of her friends from CES today on this Thoughtful Thursday and she would love to read you a story this morning.
Scroll to the bottom of her blog page to see the link to the book
- Write 10 muscle words and read them after or write 3 sentences and circle the muscle words in your sentences. Do you have 10? Do you have more than 10?
- Review letters and sounds
- Read from your reading bag for at least 10 minutes and log it in the CES Reading Challenge
- Your child can revisit my warm up exercise for this skill on the Reader’s Workshop page called Stretching Out and Zapping Sh Words Have your child stretch out, zap and write rash, shed, shop, push
- Do one page in math problem solving book Check out the math page of the
- Complete one page in an addition fact book
- Check out the math page on the blog for today’s card game called I Spy!
- Here are the links to today's Number Corner Lessons
- Handwriting practice: Check out the formation of tall letters on the Writers Workshop page of the blog.
- Complete one page in the writing journal that includes 2 or 3 sentences (with all 3 sentence rules) and a picture. Try to add detail to your picture. Make sure you can tell where you are and what you are doing. Add all of the people that were there. Make sure you add color to your picture. Continue to work slowly when writing your words so they are neat and sitting on the line.
Habits of Mind/Enrichment
- Let’s go on a virtual field trip to a Grocery Store and Learn about the Healthy Food Plate Visit the Grocery Store - healthy food plate (7 min)
- Please have your child complete the daily check-in at the end of each day!
They may need some help typing the answer to the last question each day.