Reader’s Workshop
Although we will continue to work on rhyming throughout the year, we have finished up our unit on that subject this week. The children should continue to practice finding rhyming words for given words and making up rhyming pairs. This is a skill that will help a lot when learning to read.
Writer’s Workshop
This week the children continued their work on narrative writing. They have some great story ideas of things that have happened in their lives that they can write about. At this point they are writing stories that are at least three pages long. They are working on creating a beginning, a middle and an end to their stories.
Self Help Skills
Eventually, winter will arrive whether we want it to or not. That means lots of zipping, buttoning and tying will be going on in kindergarten. Please help your child by having him/her practice zipping/buttoning their own jacket and tying their own shoes. This makes changing into and out of our snow clothes much less frustrating. If they start practicing now...they may have it under control by the time the snow flies. Thank you!
Open House
Thank you to everyone for coming to Open House last night. I know the children were super excited to show off all of their hard work to their families.
Morning Meeting
GREETING: Willaby Wollaby
ACTIVITY: Rhyming Memory
Math Lessons
We are working on 2 dimensional shapes in kindergarten (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval, hexagon, trapezoid and rhombus). The children have been working on naming the shapes as well as drawing the shapes.
November 1st is an early release day. The children will be dismissed at 11:30. Lunch will be served on that day. Bag lunches are available for purchase in the cafeteria.