The children are starting to become masters of rhyming. They are making up their own rhymes as well as coming up with rhyming words to go along with words that others give them. Rhyming is a big part of learning to read so this would be a great skill to continue to work on at home.
This week the children continued working on writing stories about themselves. They did a fantastic job! They can’t wait to share their work with you at Open House on October 16th.
This week we finished up some of our color/rainbow activities. Please check out the science and global citizenship page in our class blog for some photos of our “Color Week” and our color word songs.
Halloween Candy Donations
The town is collecting candy to give to residents in the village to pass out on Halloween. There will be a collection spot in the school lobby during Open House on Oct. 16th. Please consider bringing a bag of candy with you to Open House to donate to this cause.
Open House
Open House will be held on October 16th at C.E.S. This is a chance for you to come back to school with your kindergartner in the evening from 6:00-7:00 and check out all of the wonderful things he/she has been working on. Your kindergartner will be your tour guide. I will not be doing any of the talking that night. Your kindergartner will be showing you all around the classroom and the school.
I will be sending home a Parent/Teacher sign up sheet next week. Conference time will be the time that we can talk about your child’s strengths and things he/she is working on at school. Open House is such a busy night we will not be able to talk about how your child is doing in kindergarten. We will save that for Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Fire Safety Day
Today was Fire Safety Day! The kindergartners had a great time talking to the fire fighters and learning all about fire safety. Ask your child about what they learned from the fire fighters today.
Morning Meeting
GREETING: Rhyming Cards
Math Lessons
We have continued our work with number identification as well as number writing. Our number writing is certainly moving along. Please have your child practice writing his/her numbers at home. It would be a huge help. We are also adding numbers together, making graphs, sorting objects and starting to talk about patterns we see.
The children are starting to become masters of rhyming. They are making up their own rhymes as well as coming up with rhyming words to go along with words that others give them. Rhyming is a big part of learning to read so this would be a great skill to continue to work on at home.
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