Morning Meeting
GREETING: Banana Fanana
ACTIVITY: The Tongue Wizard
Reader’s Workshop
This week’s lessons focused around the parts of a good story. The children are working on picking out the characters in the stories, the setting, the problem and the solution. When you are reading with your child over the next few weeks, ask them to tell you those parts of the story.
Writer’s Workshop
This week we finished our Opinion Writing Unit. I was so impressed today when I asked all of the children to write an opinion piece on something they felt very strongly about. They wrote it completely independently from start to finish. I saw kids using spaces between their words and capital letters at the beginning of their writing. I am so proud of how hard they are working on their writing. Please check out the Writer's Workshop page of this blog to see some examples of their writing.
Theme Time
We have continued our unit on weather, climate and the water cycle. Our focus this week was on different types of weather. The children all shared what their favorite type of weather is and created a page for our class book.
We are working on a few things during Fundations right now. We are learning how to form capital letters, reviewing the formation of lower case letters as well as 'zapping' words in order to put down the correct letters that correspond with the sounds we hear. Ask your child to zap and write a CVC word for you (ie. map, fog, sit, cup, get)
Math Lessons
It is almost the 100th day of kindergarten! We will celebrate the 100th day of kindergarten on February 13th. We have been getting ready for the 100th day by reading special stories, counting out 100 objects and talking about different ways to count to 100.
Next Week
Next week we have a few things you may want to be aware of. The 100th day of kindergarten will now be on Thursday, February 13th (due to our snow day on Thursday) and we will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday, February 14th. A class list went home a few weeks ago. If you plan on having your child pass out Valentines, please be sure to have them make one for each child in the class so that feelings are not hurt. The children will pass out their Valentine's in the morning and then bring them home to open them that afternoon. We will have a special afternoon snack time. If anyone would like to make a special treat to send in for the class, please let me know on Monday. Thank you!
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