Friday, September 13, 2019

Week of September 9

Reader’s Workshop
    This week our focus was on what it looks like and sounds
like when you are listening to a story. The children practiced
staying quiet, raising their hand if they had something to say
about the story and looking at the pictures to enjoy the book.
We also practiced sharing our thoughts about a book with a

Writer’s Workshop
   This week’s writing focus was on being illustrators. We
have continued to practice drawing people as well as animals
and adding details (including colors) to our illustrations.

Muscle Word
This week’s muscle words are…

yes     &       no

      As muscle words are introduced, the children are expected
to spell and read them correctly. It would be great practice for
the children to read and write their muscle words at home.
Last week we introduced  I and a. So far they have four
muscle words on their word wall in the classroom. Every
week our new muscle word(s) will be listed on the Writer’s
Workshop page in our class blog.

Theme Time

        We have spent this week and will continue to spend
the next few weeks working on managing impulsivity. We
focused on how to be respectful listeners when others are
talking, sharing school toys & tools as well as controlling our

Fundations is a whole class phonics and literacy
program with engaging daily lessons. Each week the
children will learn the name, formation and key word to
go with individual letters. We introduced the letters
‘c’ and ‘o’ this week. In order to remember this letter we
say the name, key-word and sound of the letter…
Cc - cat - /c/
Oo - octopus- /o/.
Each week I will list the letters that we focused on in class on
the Fundations page of this blog. We begin by introducing all
of the lower case letters as those are the letters that are used
most often in writing and reading.
Label Everything
  Please label everything you send to school. That includes
clothing, tupperware, outdoor clothes…

Math Lessons
    This week we continued to work on forming the
numbers  0 to 5 as well as their quantity, finger patterns
and equations. The children should practice writing these
numbers as well as combinations to make those numbers
at home (ie. 2 + 3 = 5). Ask your child to say the rhyme
that goes along with the formation of each number. If your
child forgets any of them, you can view the rhymes on the
mathematics page of this blog.

Morning Meeting
GREETING: Hickety, Pickety Bumble Bee

ACTIVITY: Buzz (a counting game)

Our Week
       Well, we made it through our first full week of school.
Please remember...if your child’s after school arrangements
change, we must receive a note from you or you need to call
the office to let us know. We can not go by what your
kindergartner tells us. We must have a note or verbal
confirmation over the phone in order to change your child’s
regular after school arrangements.

A Look Ahead
September 27th
starting at 8:10
Wear green and/or yellow/gold to show school spirit!
All family members are invited to join us

School Picture Day
October 2nd


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