Science and Global Citizenship

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Here is a list of themes that will be covered throughout the school year...

Citizenship and Classroom Community

Force and Motion

Traditions and Celebrations

Seasons, Weather and Climate

Community Helpers

Plants, Animals and Their Environment

Habits of Mind

September: Persistence and Managing Impulsivity

October: Listening with Understanding and Empathy
               Thinking Flexibly

November: Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and                          Precision
                  Striving for Accuracy

December: review previous Habits of Mind

January: Responding with wonderment and awe
              Finding Humor

February: Thinking about your thinking
                Questioning and problem posing

March: Taking responsible risks
            Thinking interdependently

April: Gathering data through all our senses
         Creating, imagining and innovating

May: Remaining open to continuous learning
        Applying past knowledge to new situations

Our Color Songs
Red Song
(to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell)

R-E-D spells red
R-E-D spells red

Apples, tomatoes, cherries, too

R-E-D spells red.
Blue Song
(To the tune of Are You Sleeping?)

B-L-U-E, B-L-U-E
That spells blue, that spells blue
That's the color of the sky

That's the color of the sea

B-L-U-E, B-L-U-E
Yellow Song
(to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Yellow, yellow is the sun.

Shine on me so I can have fun.
Y-E-L-L-O-W, Y-E-L-L-O-W
Yellow, yellow is the sun.

Shine on me so I can have fun.
Green Song
(to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down)

G-R-E-E-N spells green,
Like a frog,

or a tree.

G-R-E-E-N spells green,
Just like broccoli.

Purple Song
(to the tune of This Old Man)

Spells the color purple you see.
Like the grapes on a vine,
or some plums on a tree.

Orange Song
(to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)

The pumpkins in my garden are orange, orange, orange
 orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange. 
The pumpkins in my garden are orange, orange, orange

The oranges on my tree are orange, orange, orange
orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange. 
The oranges on my tree are orange, orange, orange