Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day #7 Remote Learning (March 31st)

Click the link below to see my Tuesday Morning Video
Morning Greeting from Mrs. E
Morning Meeting
Parents: Please have your child read the above Morning Message to you. 

  • Write 10 muscle words and read them. Challenge: Write 3 sentences and circle
the muscle words in your sentences. The sentences do not have to be all about one topic. Do you have at least 10 muscle words or do you have more than 10?

  • Review letters and sounds. Can you say every letter in the alphabet and say
their sound?

  • Read from your reading bag for at least 10 minutes and log it in the CES Reading Challenge

  • I have done a new warm-up exercise for this skill on the Reader’s Workshop page of the blog. Have your child watch the video and do the words with me. Parents: say the following words one at a time for your kindergartner. They should repeat the word, stretch it out, zap it and then write it. shut, ship, bash, dish
    • Check out the video of my problem solving on the Mathematics page of the blog.
    Now do one page in the math problem solving book.

    • Complete one page in an addition fact book

    • Check out the math page on the blog for today’s card game called Double Bank It.

    • Let’s do some handwriting practice today. Let’s make sure we are all continuing to form our letters correctly. Check out the formation of “Magic C” letters on the Writers Workshop page of the blog. 
    • Complete one page in the writing journal that includes 2 sentences (with all 3 sentence rules) and a picture. Try to add detail to your picture. Make sure you can tell where you are and what you are doing. Add all of the people that were there. Make sure you add color to your picture. Continue to work slowly when writing your words so they are neat and sitting on the line. Challenge: Try writing 3 sentences about your topic today.
                     Habits of Mind/Enrichment
    • Please have your child complete the daily check-in at the end of each day!
    They may need some help typing the answer to the last question each day.

    Monday, March 30, 2020

    Day #6 Remote Learning (March 30th)

    Good Morning, Kindergartners!!!!

    Click the link below to see my Monday Morning Video
    Morning Message from Mrs E - new muscle word

    Morning Meeting
    Parents: Please have your child read the above Morning Message to you. 

    Here is the Monday link to Cosmic Kids


    • Introduce new muscle words: here (see the morning video on the blog). Write the word 'here' 5 times. Challenge: Write a sentence using the word 'here'

    • Check out the Shared reading link on the Readers Workshop page of this blog.
    The book is called Whose Mouse Are You. Kindergartners: Help me read the story.

      • Read from your reading bag for at least 10 minutes and log it in the CES Reading Challenge. Please remember to log your reading into this Reading Log every day. Did you find the word 'here' in any of your books?

      • Read sh mini paper book and carefully color some of the pages 

      • Log onto Raz-Kids and complete 2 books  (listen, read, answer questions)
        • Practice math subtraction flash cards

        • Complete one page in an addition fact book

        • Check out the math page on the blog for today’s dice game called Quick Tens
          • Complete one page in the writing journal that includes 2 sentences
          (with all 3 sentence rules) and a picture. Try to add detail to your picture. Make sure
          you can tell where you are and what you are doing and add color to your picture.
          Continue to work slowly when writing your words so they are neat and sitting on the line. 
          Challenge: Try writing 3 sentences about your topic today. See my video about writing 3 sentences on the Writer’s Workshop page in the blog.

                           Habits of Mind/Enrichment
          • A special note from Mrs Baumann
          Hello Kindergarteners!
          Pam and I miss you.  Today I have another Red Clover book for you
          (it is missing it's sticker in the video but it is a Red Clover book).  This is a story
          about running. Before you listen to the story, click on the book trailer link.
          There are three videos there about girls talking about running that I thought you
          might like.
          Mrs. Baumann
          p.s.   Run around outside.  Use your senses: What are you feeling when you run?
          What are you hearing as you run? Are you smelling anything? If you would like to
          send me your answers to these questions, email me at mbaumann@cesvt.net and I
          will post your answers on the student work page of the school library website!


          • Please have your child complete the daily check-in at the end of each day!
          They may need some help typing the answer to the last question each day.

          Friday, March 27, 2020

          Day #5 Remote Learning (March 27th)

          Look who learned to tie his shoes! Have you been learning to tie your shoes?

          Click the link below to see my Friday Morning Video
          Friday Morning Greeting from Mrs. E
          Morning Meeting

          Parents: Please have your child read the above Morning Message to you. 

          The children really enjoyed playing Hop-Scotch during our last two days of school.
          This is a great way to incorporate movement into learning. Here is a photo of the hopscotch
          board we built in the classroom. Have your kindergartner help build one at home and then
          put numbers, letters, digraphs, equations, muscle words...into the boxes to say as they play. 

          • Roll a muscle word! Roll a six sided dice and write a muscle word that has that many letters. Write at least 15 muscle words by rolling and writing. Which group has the most words (2 letter words, 3 letter words or 4 letter words)?

          • Read from your reading bag for at least 10 minutes and log it in the CES Reading Challenge

          • Parents: Say the sentence below slowly to your kindergartner and have them write the sentence independently. Have your kindergartner check for the 3 rules of sentences. Have them check to see if they spelled their muscle words correctly. They should fix things they notice. Then you can discuss what looks great and one thing you noticed that they still need to fix (i.e. capital letter to start, spaces, digraphs…).
          • The moth likes to do math.

          • Log onto Raz-Kids and complete 2 books  (listen, read, answer questions)
          • Practice math subtraction flash cards

          • Complete one page in an addition fact book

          • Today is Free Pick Friday for Math. You get to choose any or all of the math games we have listed this week to play today. You can check the math page of the blog if you need a refresher on the rules to the games.
          • Complete one page in the writing journal that includes 2 sentences (with all 3 sentence rules) and a picture.

          • Check out the Writers' Workshop page of the class blog to see some of your friends and their writing.

                           Habits of Mind/Enrichment
          • Please have your child complete the daily check-in at the end of each day!
          They may need some help typing the answer to the last question each day.  Edgerton K Daily Check-In

          Thursday, March 26, 2020

          Day #4 Remote Learning (March 26th)

          Thank you to Jameson and his mom for sharing their photo of snowmen social distancing

          Click the link below to see my Thursday Morning Video

          Morning Meeting

          Parents: Please have your child read the above Morning Message to you. 

          • Write 10 muscle words and read them after. Challenge yourself to do the more
          difficult muscle words. Can you write more than 10 muscle words?

          • Read from your reading bag for at least 10 minutes and log it in the
          CES Reading Challenge
          • Have your kindergartner revisit my warm up exercise for this skill on the Reader’s Workshop page called ‘Stretching Out and Zapping Words’. Parents: say the following words one at a time for your kindergartner. They should repeat the word, stretch it out, zap it and then write it.  than, math, thud, three, thin
          • Check out the math page of the blog to see a problem solving example. The children can try to solve the problem along with me. Then, they should do one page in their math problem solving book
          • Complete one page in an addition fact book
          • Check out the math page on the blog for today’s card game called Shut the Box.
            • I have left you a short video on the Writer’s Workshop page of this blog.

            • Complete one page in the writing journal that includes 2 sentences (with all 3 sentence rules) and a picture.
                           Habits of Mind/Enrichment

          • Please have your child complete the daily check-in at the end of each day!
          They may need some help typing the answer to the last question each day.  Edgerton K Daily Check-In

          Wednesday, March 25, 2020

          Day #3 Remote Learning (March 25th)

          Good Morning from Mrs. E - click the link below to see my Wednesday Morning Video

          Morning Meeting

          Parents: Please have your child read the above Morning Message to you. 
          Click the link below for the special story. 


          • Go on a muscle word hunt! Go around the house and look in books, magazines, newspapers, etc and find 10 muscle words. Can you find more than 10? 
          • Check out the shared reading lesson on the Reader’s Workshop page of the blog. Kindergartners should be reading along. 

          • Read from your reading bag for at least 10 minutes and log it in the CES Reading Challenge

          • Think of words that start with th. How many did you think of?
          • Sort the subtraction cards by the answer

          • Complete one page in an addition fact book

          • Check out the math page on the blog for today’s card game

          • Check out an activity you can do after you're done writing to show how you remembered to put a capital letter at the beginning of your writing and an ending mark at the end of each sentence. The video is on the Writer’s Workshop page of the blog.
          • Complete one page in the writing journal that includes 2 sentences (with all 3 sentence rules) and a picture.
                           Habits of Mind/Enrichment

          • P.E. - Do one of the activities that Mrs. G sent home or check out 

          • Please have your child complete the daily check-in at the end of each day!
          They may need some help typing the answer to the last question each day.  Edgerton K Daily Check-In

          Tuesday, March 24, 2020

          Day #2 - Remote Learning March 24th

          Image result for happy tuesday clipart

          Good Morning from Mrs. E - click the link below to see my Tuesday Morning Video

          Morning Meeting

          Parents: Please have your child read the above Morning Message to you. 
          Click the link below for the answer to the question. 

          Click here for the answer

          • Write 10 muscle words from memory and read them after (challenge yourself to do the tough ones)

          • Read from your reading bag for at least 10 minutes and log it in the CES Reading Challenge

          • I have done a warm-up exercise for this skill on the Reader’s Workshop page of the blog. Parents: say the following words one at a time for your kindergartner. They should repeat the word, stretch it out, zap it and then write it. See my example on the readers workshop page of the blog.  bath, this, that, moth, cloth, think

          • Log onto Raz-Kids and complete 2 books (listen, read, answer questions)


          • Check out the video of my problem solving on the Mathematics page of the blog. Now do one page in the math problem solving book.

          • Complete one page in an addition fact book

          • Check out the math page on the blog for today’s card game

          • Check out how I added detail to the writing I did yesterday on the Writer’s Workshop page of the blog

          • Complete one page in the writing journal that includes 2 sentences (with all 3 sentence rules) and a picture.

                           Habits of Mind/Enrichment

          Here is a song Ms. Hobart (a teacher here at CES) sent for everyone. Thought you all
          might enjoy it. A Song From Ms. Hobart


          • Please have your child complete the daily check-in at the end of each day! They may need some help typing the answer to the last question each day.  Edgerton K Daily Check-In