Writer's Workshop

I will be posting some information and videos to help keep your kindergartner writing while they are home.
Monday - March 23rd link

Below are some of the photos I have received during our Remote Learning. Everyone is doing such a phenomenal job of adapting to this situation.

Writers' Workshop is a teaching method in which the goal is to explicitly teach students strategies to become more skillful at composing text. This method involves students in authentic writing experiences that focus on the strengths and needs of each individual student through differentiated instruction.

During a typical day, we start the workshop with a mini lesson focusing on a skill or concept that the children are either being introduced to or practicing. We then give the students time to practice that skill or concept first practicing with teacher guidance in a whole group then moving to small groups and finally practicing individually. This type of work takes time and may take a few days or even a week before moving to individual practice.

During Writers' Workshop, the children move through different writing types. Throughout the year, kindergartners work on narrative/small moment writing, procedure/informational, poetry, journaling, lists and friendly letters.

In kindergarten, we call sight words "Muscle Words" because knowing how to read and write these special words will make us strong readers and writers. I will post the new muscle words every week onto this page.  Once a muscle word is introduced and practiced for the week, the kindergartners are expected to be able to read and write those muscle words as well as any previous muscle words.

This week's muscle words:     for  &   of

Previous Muscle Words:
*it  *in  *an *at  *am  
play  day  go   so   love  like  went   want   big  little you  your and  can  my the  to  do  is  see   he  she  me  we  be  no  yes  I     a

*Super Muscle Words: words that you can make more words with (ex: an...can, fan, man    am...Sam, ham, ram    at...cat, bat)

January Writing Examples