Friday, November 8, 2019

Week of November 4, 2019

 We had a great time doing some Push and Pull Stations with Mrs. Horton. Thank you, Mrs. Horton!!!!!

Reader’s Workshop
     This week we worked on picking Just Right Books for ourselves. When looking for a Just Right Book the children are looking for two things.

  1. A topic they are interested in
  2. A book where they can read most of the words

Hopefully you were able to spend a little time listening to your child read on Monday and Wednesday when he/she brought home their reading bag. Those will continue to come home every week. Please continue to send the bag back the very next day with all the books in the bag. Thank you!

Writer’s Workshop
     We spent time working on adding spaces to our writing. This is still a very difficult skill for kindergartners as all of their effort is focused on sounding out words. We are currently using our fingers to help us remember to space our words.  Please encourage your child to write at home using finger spaces. The more practice we get, the more comfortable we will be with writing in the future.

Math Lessons
   Our calendar activities this month consist of two and three dimensional shapes. We are exploring squares & cubes, triangles & cones, circles & spheres as well as rectangles & cylinders.

Morning Meeting

GREETING: Skip Greeting with dice

ACTIVITY: 4 Corners

Theme Time

      We continued our work with Forces and Motion this week. We have read many stories on the topic and explored a variety of materials and how they move on different surfaces to see how that changes the force needed to move an object. Our favorite activity was going upstairs to the third floor into Mrs. Horton's classroom and exploring some really cool Push and Pull stations.

            Outdoor Clothing

 I think winter temperatures have arrived. All of the children are being asked to dress themselves so please have them do the same at home. Please be sure to send your child with warm clothes for recess every day (coat, hat, mittens, boots and snow-pants). Please, please, please write your child’s name in all of his/her outdoor clothing (boots, jackets, snow pants…). Often we end up with clothing that apparently walks itself to school as no child will claim it and we can’t figure out who to send them home with if the clothes aren’t labeled. We have A LOT of black snow-pants!